Wednesday, April 8, 2009

moved to wordpress.

Monday, April 6, 2009

easter week mix

Made this mix for a friend of mine here, and was pretty impressed by it. All songs talk directly about the Cross or the Resurrection, and are ordered accordingly. Some of the order may seem off, but I did that intentionally for my friend, who is new to the faith.

1. The Message of the Cross by Delirious
buy Delirious' spot-on early worship stuff on The Cutting Edge

2. The Hammer Holds by Bebo Norman
buy Bebo Norman's first major album, Ten Thousand Days

3. Thief by Third Day
buy their superior worship album, Offerings: A Worship Album

4. Who is This? by Sandra McCracken
buy Indelible Grace's fourth installment, Beams of Heaven

5. O Come and Mourn with Me A While by Jars of Clay
buy their hymn project, Redemption Songs

6. Man of Sorrows by Jill Phillips
buy her hymn project, Kingdom Come

7. Beautiful Scandelous Night by Smalltown Poets
buy the single

8. The Wonderful Cross by Chris Tomlin
buy the above-par collection from various artists, The Wonderful Cross

9. To Be Alone With You by Sufjan Stevens
buy his lo-fi folk album Seven Swans

10. How Deep the Father's Love For Us by Nicole Nordeman
...from the same album as track #8

11. High Noon by Andrew Peterson
buy his superb album, Love and Thunder

12. Christ the Lord is Risen Today by Jill Phillips
....from the same album as track #6

13. In Christ Alone by Michelle Tumes
...from the same album as track #8

14. Mighty to Save by Laura Story
buy the single

15. Serve Hymn by Andrew Peterson
...from the same album as track #11

16. Nothing But the Blood by Page CXVI
download their hymns project

17. Before the Throne of God Above by Anathallo
download their hymns project

18. My Hope Is You by Third Day
...from the same album as track #2

19. Mighty is the Power of the Cross by Chris Tomlin
...from the same album as track #8

20. Behold the Lamb of God by Andrew Peterson
buy the best Christmas album ever made, Behold the Lamb of God

Sunday, April 5, 2009

doing the work of God

In the strange lexicon that is Christian!speak, one of the phrases we like to use is "doing the work of God." It usually carries with it the pride and self-satisfaction of the one who speaks it. Here are some examples, on different levels:

Jane: Cheryl, you sang beautifully up there.
Cheryl: Oh, I'm just doing the work of God.

Mr. Jeffers: Sometimes, isn't your life stressful?
Pastor Gary: I suppose so, but it's worth the sacrifice for doing the work of God.

Newspaper: An ex-cop finds value in doing the work of God in inner cities

and, in some psychological thriller movies:
Serial Killer: I'm sorry, mister, but I have to do this. This is the work of God.
[shortly thereafter, "mister" dies]

Needless to say, we hear the term alot in both Flannery O'Connor novels and churches south of the Mason-Dixon Line. But what is the work of God, anyway? Is it really as ambiguous as we make it? Is it reserved for those in full-time ministry, or can a lay-person do it?

I'm still waist-deep in the fourth gospel, and that's where I get today's lesson from Scripture just for me, and consequently, for you as well.

Jesus said, "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent." (Jn. 6:29)

It's amazing how we complicate things. According to Christ, doing the work of God is believing in the One whom He sent. You'd think we'd be able to focus more on than than our programs, ministries, whathaveyou.

Paul got this concept, and in 1 Thess. 1:2-5, "We give thanks to God always for all of you, making mention of you in our prayers; constantly bearing in mind your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the presence of our God and Father, knowing, brethren beloved by God, His choice of you for our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction; just as you know what kind of men we proved to be among you for your sake."

Notice here the focus isn't on random tasks they're doing, but it's on salvation itself--"the work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ..." Who would have thought that if we focus on our salvation, we'll be doing the work of God. If we wrestle with it, meditate on it, we'll see fruit.

That's the random thought for tonight. One of many, rest assured.

even more links

I don't know. Maybe I've spent way too much time online this weekend. But here are some links and articles I met along the way.

Six Reasons to Believe that God is Really There
For those of you too lazy to read Tim Keller's awesome book, The Reason for God.

Seven Signs of a Genuine Ministry

Four Ways to Explain What Happened on the Cross
I read John Stott's Cross of Christ a couple of years ago, and it immediately became one of the twenty or so books I think every believer should read.

One of the Most Important Prayer Requests
Once more, Piper is right-on.

19 Worst Drive-Thru Foods in America
I'm making a sign up list for friends who want to take me to each of these places when I come home, by the way. I figure I'll eat the 19 worst ones first, and then go back for a second round of "better options."

Study the Bible Better

Free NT Online Courses from Atlantic Baptist University

Shai Linne: theo-centric hip-hop that's...not bad.
This is his blog. Make sure to read the lyrics to his CDs on the left-hand column. You'll learn something.

See Some Interesting Media

Cindy Winters, wife of slain Pastor Fred Winters, speaks love on the Today Show

An Israeli guy mixes amateur videos on YouTube

What If Starbucks Marketed Like A Church?

~ and the people who made the video

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

some links

Hey, I stumbled across lots of good blogging this week. Here are some links I found worthwhile.

Screwtape on the SBC

15 Gospel-Saturated Book Recommendations

Church Planting in the Post-Christian US

10 Ways You Can Truly Help the Homeless

5 people from very different denominational backgrounds answer the question What Is The Gospel?

The Baptist Renaissance March Madness Bracket (really, you should read it all)