In my experience, churches like those Governor Palin attends use “God’s will” in a looser way. This can lead to confusion especially when secularists with a political agenda use misunderstandings to fuel fear and hatred of different religious ideas.
Why I like this editorial:
1) It explains a whole lot about evangelicals to those who don't believe.
2) It explains a whole lot about evangelicals to me--and I am one.
On the second point, I want to explain a little. For the most part, I don't like to use the words, "I believe this is God's will for my life" in referring to specific circumstances (i.e. giving something to someone, teaching a class, or moving overseas). I've never liked it, mostly because I've considered it Christianese which detracts from the Scriptures. For example, my saying, "I believe it is God's will for me to attend this seminar" does nothing to further knowledge about the Holy One, but to affirm that I'm in the right, that I'm doing well (which is the complete antithesis of the Scriptural view of human depravity).
HOWEVER, if I say, "I believe it is God's will for me to learn more about Him" then I am speaking the truth; the seminar might just be one of those avenues to learn more about Him.
Wow, that makes a whole lot more sense.