Chances are, if everything you have learned about Islam has come from television, then you might not know much. But, even if you are aware of the basic tenants of the faith, maybe you don't know too much about the Qur'an. Something neat about the book is that when Muhammad wrote the book he included several stories that are based on stories from the Bible.
There are some stories that appear a little different in the Qur'an--most, in fact--but the comparisons are enough for some of my Muslim friends to want to explore the Biblical accounts as well (which the Qur'an teaches has been corrupted and isn't reliable). Anyway, what are those stories and teachings, you ask?
Well, a wonderful (liberal) organization put out a search engine that will search both the Bible and the Qur'an based on keyword. There is also a list of the common ideas/stories. Highly recommended to read, even if you're just curious but lazy too.
I also found a good resource for Ramadan, in case you're wondering...
"An Idiot's Guide to Ramadhan"