Well, it's that time of year again.
Today was the first day of the ninth month of the lunar calendar, a month Muslims set apart to become holy, primarily through fasting from sun-up to sun-down. They won't eat anything. They won't even drink water. The most conservative won't swallow their own spit.
As we entered this Islamic holy month, I began to seek God about what how he wanted me to spend this time. I spent time researching fasting in the Bible, fasting from the perspective of Muslims, and even read a couple of Islamic sites which drew conclusions about fasting from the Bible (although they did make sure to note how the book had been tampered with, and could not be fully believed). It's interesting how the Enemy is really good about thwarting the truth just slightly like that.
Another example of Satan's tactics here is a story I heard from a friend yesterday. Said friend had been doing her practicum in the village for a couple of weeks, and was catching me up on the highlights of her time there. She mentioned one girl had become possessed while there. The following conversation ensued:
C: What happened? Did they see a witch doctor? (the normal practice here, the mixture of Islam with folk beliefs)
H: No, I have a friend who is real good in the Al Qur'an, and that took care of it.
C: And that worked?
H: Yeah, she was fine after that.
So, they learn that there is healing of demon possession can be found through reciting the Holy Qur'an. Smart one, Satan.
This month the majority of my friends here will participate in an empty faith so they can have forgiveness. They'll have to follow rigid rules in order to attain God's favor, and God's favor might not last that long after it is attained. But, if they don't follow the fast, then there will literally be more hell to pay in the afterlife (their amount of time in hell will depend on their actions here on earth).
I've been catching up on my Bible stories on fasting so I can retell them if conversation rises (as it surely will). One of the sweetest passages I read the other day was in Joel, and I pray this for my friends here.
Joel 2:12-13, "'Yet even now' declares the LORD, 'Return to Me with all your heart, and with fasting, weeping and mourning; and rend your heart and not your garments. Now return to the LORD your God, for He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, abounding in lovingkindness and relenting of evil.'"