Tuesday, January 6, 2009

a quick non-spiritual testimonial

If you're reading this, then you probably know last December my hard drive died, and the hundreds of dollars I had invested in digital music were lost because of my own irresponsibility in not backing up my music. I don't want to think of how many songs there were in all, but they mainly came from Amazon.com, emusic, and iTunes (the bulk of my money being in the latter). So last week I was curious enough to e-mail iTunes. I explained my problem, not expecting much help.

Within a day, I got this reply:

So, elated, I sent this:

And then the day after that, before I even had a chance to download my music, I received this:

Needless to say, I am amazed at the customer support team over at iTunes. I didn't receive anything like that with Amazon or emusic. Usually I'm leery of big corporations, much like the customers of Dunder Mifflin. I stick to small things (Holiday World vs. Cedar Point, Sunergos vs. Starbucks), but with iTunes, I think I've got a keeper.

(This post was written to inspire all of you readers to purchase iTunes. If you need a recommendation for some new music, just ask!)